disc.font,8 «ac»«» «c4»- -------------------- -«» «c1»The Way Of Life I Want«» «c4»- -------------------- -«» «»«as» «c2»And there is an answer. Against all odds there was someone reading the articles in Apathy`s Feedback Issue#7, a production that is searching its competitor in the whole scene these days. Actually this is a reply to Strife`s article "What kind of life do we want?" he released there, so I would recommend to read this one at first, but it is not that neccessary. All needed facts will be named here.«» «» At first I have to retort that there exists a third kind of people and that is me! No, I am only joking of course but I am going to become one of them. I think instead of hanging around with an ok-wife after a day at an 8-hours ok-job or just making money at the stock market only all the time, you could choose a more exciting way of life: Jump into that adventure! That is what I expect from my life. No accomplishments through money or watching tv by drinking some bottles of the same bear every evening. But how to do so in this world that is ruled by money and money makers. It is not possible you may say, but I think it is. Of course it will be not an easy thing to do, but it will be worth to do something for... To explain that, I have to become a bit personal, so don`t be frightened.«» «» At first I gave up a "really" serious career at an advertising agency, threw away the chance for a lot of money, a job for my lifetime, a "standard" life. For some of you this may be THE dream, and I don`t want to offend you with this article, but I could never live this way. I want to realize my own ideas, my dream of life. I want to try out several jobs and travel to foreign countries but stay here at my place of birth the same time.In short: I want to do everything I want to. You may say this is impossible, I say `No` because I started this kind of life already.«» Only one year ago I dreamed of a career as author, but I had to notice the senselessness of this dream, although it was more near to what I generally want than everything before, because you can neigther really make money nor get real fame with such a job today. Especially not in Germany, where only the old and dead-since-ages artists are respected. But I still want to write and even call myself author today. And I am able to do so! It will be no career, I know this now, but I can make something out of it. I will perhaps write stories for small magazines only and get not much money for it but I will have a lot of fun this way. And I am (already) editor. In scene. And at this point I don`t have the same opinion as Strife explained in his article. It may be no real job and at last none you can become rich of, the same thing as being author, but as I already mentioned it is what I want to do. And if you want to become happy and get the life you want, you have to follow your heart. Your wishes and dreams. Just live. How you manage the rest is another question.«» «» And of course I give you the answer or at least I try to explain the answer for me: In real life I already made some experiences with several jobs for example. I cleaned trains, was night- watcher, secretary & editor and at the moment I have to work in an advertising agency for some weeks yet, because I had to quit this job before I go mad. Although I never believed that sentence when I was young, you can really find a job for your living at any time. If you are not too arrogant or ignorant you will always find a way to come through. And mainly you will be able to live the life you want. Do art. Do fun. Do life.«» «» And how will my personal story continue? I don`t know exactly, but I know how it will NOT continue: No 8-hours ok-job and drinking the same bear in front of the tv set every evening. For an ok-wife it is in any case too late because I already got an extraordinary and crazy artist-girl. In 2001 I planed to study. At first translation, because I want to know a lot of languages, then philosophy. And later I will spend some years in other countries for more than three months each, as I did two years ago in Paris - the town I love as I love my hometown - where I will surely stay for a while again some time. And I will come back home. I will stay in scene as long as possible. But I want to make the best with my real life too.«» May I die young or old, I always want to know that I did the best with the time I was given. The world is my place, isn`t it?«» «» At last you see Strife`s article was not only a filler - as he declared - but an inspiration. At least for me. Of course I have no guaranties for my plans but that again who does? You will never find out if you don`t try. Perhaps both of our articles, Strife`s and mine, made some of you, dear readers, think about your situation. If not, it may be your fault.«» «» «c4» In this way best wishes, Zito. «» «e»